As a new growing season slowly approaches, Winter will soon release it’s icy grip upon the landscape. The temperature will slowly warm day by day, and the robins will busily scratch up worms in the lawn. Soon the crocus, snowdrops, and hyacinth will push through the soils, and it will once again be time to consider the chores to be done in the landscape. May I recommend Spring core lawn aeration service? Core lawn aeration is one of the services that accomplishes so much, verses the cost. Some of the benefits include relieving soil compaction. Over the period of the year the repeated weight of mowers, pets, people walking, and cars on the lawn will compress the soils. This compaction reduces the space for oxygen in the soil, and makes it difficult for the roots to obtain moisture, and inhibits root growth. All of these things are detrimental for ornamental trees and shrubs. Annual core lawn aeration pulls plugs of soil out of the ground which relieves the compaction, thus maintaining healthier soils for your ornamental plants. Did I mention core lawn aeration can help with soil drainage? It’s true, removal of the compaction can help with soil drainage. It isn’t going to fix all drainage issues, but in the average lawn core lawn aeration will benefit the drainage of your soils. Right now WhiteHouse Landscapes LLC is running a limited time promotional for Core lawn aeration service. Core lawn aeration normally costs $125.00, but for a limited time you can schedule your Spring core lawn aeration for just $90.00! CLICK HERE to schedule your Spring core lawn aeration! Hurry this offer will only last for a couple of weeks!